Access for All

Your family may qualify for benefits.

A new application must be filled out each year. To find out if you qualify for meal benefits, Summer EBT benefits, reduced fees for other programs or activities, and/or help secure funding for your school click on the link below to complete an application.

If you received an email in August stating your child is receiving meal benefits, no application is needed.

If the family received assistance in the previous year, it may continue briefly into the new year, but without a new application the benefits could stop.  It can take up to 10 days to process an application. Communication is emailed to the household explaining the benefits that a family qualified for; keep this letter as you may use it for waived or reduced school fees.

You may apply at any time during the school year, especially if your household size increases or your income decreases.

Household members do not have to be U.S. citizens for children to qualify for free or reduced-price meals and completing the application has no impact on immigration status. Applications are always available in the school office, administration building or online.

Under the Federal Program, Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) & Provision 2 we are able to offer free meals for all students attending Brentwood Elementary, Colbert Elementary, Creekside Elementary, Evergreen Elementary, Farwell Elementary, Shiloh Hills Elementary,  Mead Learning Options and Mountainside Middle School.

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We encourage you to apply using our online application link below for access to an Application Form. 


Complete an Application Here

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